Monday, 7 May 2012

What is a sin?

What is a Sin?

A sin is an act that violates a moral rule.. It is normal we need  a mass of rules to live  in  harmony with other  humans.. Not having a rule or moral law .. it would be chaos  .. Not all characters are alike.. Some characters or personalities have the tendency to acquire the knowledges and the rule  according the  roots and the culture where they living .. besides the world has the tendency to  have   relations closer .. economy and policy.. it has some  small  bond diferents.. like Chinese ppl love to eat rice, but european ppl barely eat rice.. one example.. So im asking that.. what is a sin??A sin is an  act  that we  always hurted or violated a law or someone.. But a sin can be something more serious frightener .. if we  talk about religion or what religious people  thinks about a sin.. for Christian people .. a sin is something so hard and bad.. it is offense against to  God and our brothers, which  bring so harm, in some way.. a sin it can be It.. something that can bring harm.. for everyone even the own sinner.. For  Christians a sin is not only offence to God but who refuses to obey the laws of God ,. it can be in thoughts and  actions.. and they separate it in some kind of sins.. mortal sin and venial sin.  To the Muslim see the sin as anything that goes against the  commands of Allah but they teach that sin an act and not a state of being, one the other hand Buddhism does not recognize the  idea  behind sin, but believes of  karma, whereby suferring is the inevitable consequence of greed, anger an delusion known as the three poison.

It is the briefly description  about sin, but i will make this question.. what is really a sin?? is it  a sin to steall and give food who is diying by hunger.. Is it a sin to commit adultery when our partner doesnt loves us anymore and ignores us??? Is it a sin  to like having  the same stuff of our neighbour has??  Well there are so many questions which  we could  develope about sins.. because it seems that, sometimes we commit a sin, we might  not had  wanted  to do ,   we might not had   other way , some  situations might  oblige us to commit a sin   .. 

nevertheless   we can say  that too , a  sin can be a lesson , lessons which  can be so  harsh and rough  consequences.. maybe we can think about it.. when Judas had betrayed jesus.. he had commited  a sin.. the greediness  or  the scare or even  his own personality was insecurity,, after he had commited  that  sin, he had deceived his friend.. Jesus.. he saw what he had done.. it was like he  had dropped someone into the death. someone, who had been  an innocent.. dont you think that  sin was so heavy for Judas?? Dont you think after he had  destroed the life of someone.. he had destroyed his own life because  he wasnt able to live anymore.. his own  conscience was heavy... So Judas had paid  for his own sin.

 In fact, what is the really  a Sin.. act that we violated  rule.. or it is own conscience will be violated???  Think about???

 Natural Wilderness

One of the privates  places in Wilderness,.. skybox.. Autumn

Autumn bathhouse has a building where you can enjoy a snuggle in the hot tub (to access the poses select sit from the towels around the tub and clickon them to access the menus. The rug has poseballs and click on the rug to activate these. There is also a rock outside to sit and snuggle and more :). Dances are available too via the boulder outside

Maria Vought - Owner of the  Wilderness

linday Landar - Guardian of Wilderness

Wesmaster  - Guardian of Wilderness

Solelua Beach

Good place for chilling. hang out, surf and thinking about the life

Kiki  Szetey

1 - Do you want to speech philosophy? Just IM:

                               Rhiannon Dragoone

2 - Do you want to share thoughts  about spirituality?

                                  Isis Pleides or Joe Arnica

The writer of the Month

Max Rudolf

 Max Rudolf Frisch (May 15, 1911 – April 4, 1991) was a Swiss playwright andnovelist, regarded as highly representative of German-language literature afterWorld War II. In his creative works Frisch paid particular attention to issues relating to problems of human identityindividualityresponsibility, morality and political commitment.[1] His use of irony is a significant feature of his post-war publications. Frisch was a member of the Gruppe Olten. He was awarded theNeustadt International Prize for Literature in 1986.

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